We welcome Father Raj to the Collaborative of Holy Maternity of Mary, Sacred Heart of Mary, and Holy Family Church as our newly appointed shepherd. Father Raj comes to our Collaborative from Our Lady of the Lake in Edwardsburg, MI and St. Ann Catholic Church in Cassopolis, MI where he has served as Pastor for the past several years.
The Women’s
Group will be
selling poinsettias
in the hall every
Saturday &
Sunday after
Mass. They are
$15.00 and can be
put on the Altar in
memory of a loved
one or taken
Religious Education Classes
Beginning September 8th after 8:30AM Mass
Congratulations Graduates
Karol Nunez—Rodriquez
Sophia Lutz
Joseph Creagan
Nolan Gaikis
Heidi Newhousse
Aiden O’Brien
Prayer for New Beginnings:
Heavenly Father, Today marks a new beginning for these
graduates, and we ask for Your guiding hand as they embark
on the next steps of their journey. Fill them with courage to
face new challenges, wisdom to make sound decisions, and
peace to trust in Your perfect plan. May their future be bright with opportunities to serve and
make a difference in the world. Bless them as
they pursue their dreams and lead them toward
fulfilling their purpose in you. AMEN
We Remember
We remember the many brave men and
who have given their lives
through the history of our country
to protect us from danger and harm.
We remember all those who sustained injury
in mind and/or body in the course of their
We salute all those who served in the
- Author Unknown
We are called to share in His mission and to bring about the Kingdom of God in our midst by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus through Faith, Education, and Example.
“Will you pray for…?” This question is amongst my favorites. I always see it as such a beautiful gift when people trust me to pray for them or their intentions. While it might be tempting to say a...
In 2025, the forty days of Lent will start on March 5, 2025, Ash Wednesday, and conclude on April 17, 2025, Holy Thursday. Easter will be celebrated on April 20, 2025. During this sacred season, we...
I kept my faith to myself for the first ten years of my marriage. My husband was an atheist, and although he came to Mass with me, he didn’t really get it, nor did he really want it. His questions...
Protecting God's Children Resources Dedicated Website
Hollywood may seem like the furthest thing from a place that nurtures the Catholic faith, but the influence of Catholicism is undeniable in the American film industry.