Parishioners are invited to join small group faith-sharing opportunities at Holy Maternity of Mary Church Family. Whether joining in discussion using Renew International, viewing a video and learning the history of the Holy Land, studying the Gospels or Pauline Leters, or engaging in a Just Faith course of study, members of our small group communities are getting to know and respecct one another, grow with each other in understanding our Faith, and commit to helping one another put Faith in Action. Service to one another and to the community results. All come to recognize that "Where two or more are gathered in His Name, there God is among us!"
The main component of The Journey are the faith-sharing groups which meet to reflect each week. Through these small groups, participants come to share their experiences of Jesus Christ with one another and grow together in their faith. Participant booklets are available in both English and Spanish for adults, and in English only for youth.
There are three Parts in The Journey. In Part 1, each session focuses on our personal encounter with Jesus. In Part 2, participants reflect on what it means to belong to Jesus’ community, the Church. In Part 3, the sessions explore how we encounter Jesus’ way of life as disciples.
In the sessions, participants read from a selected Scripture passage and then watch a powerful video produced by the award-winning OBD Films (watch a trailer for the videos in Part 2 below!). In the videos, we see how our experiences today are reflected in the experiences of those who first encountered Jesus two thousand years ago. We come to see how Christ touches us personally even today.
After watching the videos, the groups then read over a reflection and answer discussion questions. Participants are encouraged to find what words, phrases, and images most move them from the Scripture, video and discussion and pray on this in the week ahead. In this way, the sessions follow the method laid out in lectio divina. Finally, participants are given suggested actions they can take with them to live out in their daily lives. There is also space for journaling in the booklets to reflect during the week.